FCE has set up the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) based on LHU's PEOs and feedbacks of stakeholders including Scientific Council, lecturers, employers, alumni and students. Their opinions and suggestions have been welcomed and taken into serious consideration to build up CET’s ten PLOs.
PLO1: Use specialized software proficiently in the field of Construction Engineering Technology
PLO2: Perform construction materials experiments
PLO3: Apply modern techniques and technology in the field of Construction Engineering Technology
PLO4: Implement construction project based on design document
PLO5: Design constructions in the field of Construction Engineering Technology
PLO6: Adapt to working environment on a digital platform
PLO7: Demonstrate ideas effectively through written, oral and visual communication in technical and non-technical environment
PLO8: Work effectively in team in a technical environment
PLO9: Develop ability for life-long learning
PLO10: Show professional manners and ethics